Page 15 - Revo Issue 04

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What has impacted your character
the most and how?
Sulport for certain. Leading the
city is quite the weight on his
shoulders. But he continues
to strive for it. I would say that
Sulportians too.
TyRen, my second in command.
People hate him almost as much
as they hate me, but that fellow is
one loyal fucker.
I am a very solitary person,
and generally prefer my own
company. But he has impacted
my character in the sense that he
has allowed Volstagg to develop
an understanding of Brotherhood.
The Slaves had impacted him in
the sense that they have allowed
Volstagg to practice his mastery,
and sharpen it through continued
abuse that they take on the chin
like a hot load of cum.
And of course my enemies. They
have made me feel like a God.
They come at me, and I just keep
knocking them down. Its bloody
awesome and it does wonders for
my ego. It’s almost as awesome
as me!
What is his greatest fear?
Not being there to protect who he
cares for. Gor is a very dangerous
world, he’s more aware of that
than most because he considers
himself to be one of the most
dangerous things in this world.
He has a lot of enemies. Enemies
who can’t face him but would love
to try to get to him through other
means. Not being there, or being
helpless to do anything is his
biggest fear.
What are his biggest regret and
Volstagg doesn’t have any
regrets. Not a single one.
Everything he has done, he has
done for a purpose. And he
stands by all of his actions.
People do often ask me if I
regret killing Donar. Because the
character had been around for so
many years. Well let me finally say
en masse, I don’t regret it. At all.
Just because he had been around
the block a few times had no
impact on Volstagg’s decision to
kill the coward. It was a deserved
death, and it also set an example,
teaching Gor a very valuable
It doesn’t matter who You are.
How long you’ve been here.
Somebody will always come
along, who just doesn’t give a
Do you think a leader should be
feared, liked or ___?
A ruler, in particular, needs to
know how to be both an animal
and a man. The classical writers,
without saying it explicitly, taught
rulers to behave like this.
They described how Achilles, and
many others in ancient time were
given to Chiron the centaur to be
raised. So he could bring them up
as he thought best.
What they intended to convey
with this story of rulers being
educated by someone who was
half beast and half man, was that
it is necessary for a ruler to know
when to act like an animal and
when like a man.
If he [the ruler] relies on just one
or the other mode of behaviour he
cannot hope to survive.” Enough
Volstagg is not just the leader but
the Ubar of Sulport, how did that
come about?
Volstagg was always the leader.
He conquered and opened
Sulport. But never claimed title,
because he always considered
himself an invader.
A foreigner in a territory that he
had claimed as his. Then there
was the Epic Vosk League
Invasion and the city was
destroyed. Volstagg and his
people had to rebuild it from
This time round, he embraced his
“throne”. Claimed the title of Ubar,
and hasn’t looked back since.
When people ask his name, he
replies “Ubar Volstagg”
Volstagg is one of those people
that when you see within a
room, there is going to be some
good role-play, how do you find
the energy and muse to keep it
I don’t see myself as a Role-
player. I see myself as a
storyteller. So I always try to keep
that in mind when I post. I think
“Would I put this in a book?”
if the
answers no, I usually don’t bother
with it.
I pull events of real life in my play,
and dissect them to fit into Gor. I
use feelings that I’m feeling in the
real world, moods, emotions, etc.
And so I just forget about trying to
role-play. Instead, I just try to tell
you a story.
What you see is what you get.
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