Page 11 - ReVo-Christmas-Issue

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Star Trek MOVIE NIGHT was an
astronomical event last month! Our
biggest turnout for the members-
only movie night yet was held on
October 29th in the ReVo Theater.
We had about half a dozen
members go head-to-head with the
trivia all night, but Veritas proved
that he is the undisputed king of all
things Star trek.
He answered every single question
correctly less than ten seconds
after it was posted - with most of
his answers received within three
or four seconds! Needless to say,
Veritas won the trivia competition
in October and walked away with
a six month membership and the
option to choose the movie for
November. He graciously gifted
his runner-up, and the reigning
trivia champion, Randomness, with
the membership and chose Good
Night, and Good Luck for our next
Good Night, and Good Luck was
a star-studded ensemble with Jeff
Daniels, Robert Downey, Jr., and
George Clooney that told the story
about how the media helped turn
away the Red Scare - an incredible
piece of American history.
With the holidays right around the
corner and everyone scrambling
to make plans and prepare to stuff
themselves with turkey and pie,
the members only movie night
in November was a little more
tame. The trivia questions were
painstakingly compiled by yours
truly and tailored to make the
contestants think! There was no
Googling these answers, folks!
The twelve month membership was
taken home by miss temptation
personified herself, tempy.
Everyone toss tempy a major
congratulations for answering the
most Good Night, and Good Luck
trivia questions correctly!
On top of that everyone that came
to the movie had a chance to win
a door prize - a tarot reading from
Sun's Moon. (Which I won, and
have already redeemed. Wowsers!
That is a whole other story,
Of course, tempy got the option
to choose the December movie
when she took that trivia home last
month, and she has chosen The
Santa Clause.
I, for one, enjoyed settling down
with my ReVo family, a cup of
Qristal's famous hot cocoa and
a cuddle with my puppies as I
watched this infamous Christmas
movie which played on December
23rd. A perfect night for it.
Stay tuned for the winner and what
next months movie will be
R e V o
T h e a t e r