Page 10 - ReVo-Christmas-Issue

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of her fingers as they danced
up and down the shaft of
his cock. Once, twice, he
thrust hard into her mouth,
wanting to go deeper, but
she pulled her head back in
time, keeping his cock firmly
in her mouth as her hands
stroked the base, enveloping
his balls in her tiny hands
before continuing to slide
her hands up and delicately
tap them against the shaft of
his cock, all the time sucking
harder on the head.
Finally, unable to stand it
any longer, he gripped her
hair and pulled the heavy
ornate wig of the Oiran from
her head, destroying hours
of skillful brushing, and
gripped her own hair hard,
thrusting deeply into her
mouth, past her tongue and
down to her throat, his limit
having been met and after
several quick strokes, emp-
tied himself into her mouth,
the roar of his words drown-
ing out everything as she
sucked and swallowed every
drop of his cum.
Exhausted, He sank back
into the chair and gave a
"It said in the scroll, Sase-
ko, that your lipstick is not
to be smudged when you
perform the Jade Flute." He
leaned forward and ran his
thumb heavily against the
scarlet slash, "And it appears
that it is. You will have to do
it again, as you need more
practise...after my bath."
She lowered her eyes but he
noted the smile there as she
murmured, "Ee, Nushi."