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What you see is what you get.
How did the character Volstagg come into creation?
I had have been away from Gor for a good amount of time. Away
from all forms of Role-play actually and a lot happened to me
in that time. By the time I did return to the online world, I had
changed. I wasn’t the same person I used to be.
So with that in mind, I simply couldn’t get into my old character,
it didn’t fit me anymore. I needed thing else. Someone new,
someone fresh, someone like the New Me. Hence a Northern
Monster was born.
I actually chose the name several days after playing him, initially
he was just called “The North Man.” But then I was watching a
movie with my son one day and he said “That One’s my favourite.”
… Then pointed to Ray Stevenson’s character in the movie Thor.
His Name was Volstagg.
ReVo Magazine
Tell us a little about Volstagg
Volstagg. The very name breeds
a certain amount of hate these
days. His fan-club extends to
most sites that feature a gorean
venue and there are few that do
not know that name.
Why you might ask? He is a
villain. Arrogance born to flesh.
A brute of man. A bully, too.
Volstagg acknowledges no
limits. He is the embodiment of
all things "Gor".
He does not take control, he
is control. He makes his own
rules, adheres to his own beliefs
and lets no one stand in his way.
He takes what he wants, when
he wants. While inviting anyone
to try to stop him.
Volstagg is a warrior of the
North. He is not a man caged
by fear and allows no man to set
his boundaries. It is this reason
that so many speak his name
with contempt.
He will abide no lies, no bullshit
and certainly no posturing for
alpha-male. He simply is what
he is. Many despise him for his
bravado. But what is seldom
realized or considered is that
He is a man loyal to his ways. A
devout Leader of his people and
they are his people.
He lives and would die for
them. He makes no apologies
for being exactly the way he is
meant to be. What you see is
what you get.
He does not merely exist, he
lives and there are few with the
courage to do as he does. He
excels at what he does. He is
good when he is good and even
better when he is bad.
He embraces his demons and
feeds them. It is why he is so
hated and so loved all in the
same breath.
People just love to hate him. He
is the iron fist that rules. Need to
know more? Come to Sulport
and see with your own eyes
what it is to be Ubar.
What are his dreams?
What are his goals in life?
Volstagg doesn’t have dreams,
he has nightmares. Vivid Ones.
It’s actually something I like
to role-play with him when
I’m seeking a bit of solitude. I’ve
role played him having many
nightmares. Some of them based
on memories.
Such as when he was a boy and
the way his father taught him to be
a Man. That one was quite intense
for me.
It pulled in a lot of my demons and I
actually couldn’t role-play for a little
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