Page 10 - Revo Issue 04

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There are sounds that bring the
feeling of fall; kids playing in
the leaves, their laughter echo-
ing in that breeze. The sounds
of traffic further on overlaying
the laughter at times with their
horns and engines. Some-
times, she finds herself forget-
ting what life was about when
she was locked up in that
Fall was her favorite time of
the year, and the sounds and a
scent that the breeze carries to
her reminds her. It brings back
memories of her own child-
hood, a time where she had no
worries beyond the ice cream
she was going to beg her folks
for that night.
Perhaps that extra slice of pie
she would nip from her moth-
er while her father pretended
not to see. The echo of that
laughter in the breeze helped
her feel a whisper of her own
youth. Her attention is grabbed
by the scent of pack.
The wolven musk washes
over her senses, the closer she
comes. That musk is inter-
mixed with the sweet call of
forest, pack and the hunt. It
soothes the beast within as
nothing else could.
Her gaze seeks out the source
of that scent, landing upon the
two that are talking not that far
from her.
Both are seated on a bench,
and she recognizes both. One
is her Lupa, the other one she
doesn’t know that well. She
can now feel the press of ener-
gy from her Lupa, and her own
energy washes out to brush
a greeting. Her own shyness
flavors the wolf beast within,
and neither wish to interrupt
the interaction, thus the brush
is both greeting and silent
Her lips curl slightly in a small
smile, watching her lupa and
the other pack member. Her
movements carrying that
inhuman grace of what she is,
merely a mimic of the human
she had once been.
Now we have made a solid
post that both describes and
gives something for others to
respond to. We not only have
given the two characters seat-
ed on a bench, talking some-
thing to respond to, but we
have also given more than one
thing to react to.
The character's movement is
graceful, she is shy, she greet-
ed her Lupa with her energy,
but shyly did not do so with the
other pack member.
There is that small smile, too,
again a revelation of shyness
and perhaps even slight sub-
mission. All things to react to
as the other player.
Just remember: not everyone
posts the same. This is how I
post. This is how I teach others
to post.
Each player is going to be
different. Because of that, you
have to come to your own com-
fort zone. Use this is as a base
and go from here.
ReVo Magazine
Making a Solid Post | By Gabby