Page 21 - Revo Issue 05v2

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R e Vo M a g a z i n e
the tablecloths, but you got
eyes!).....and when the secret
Santa lists roll around?...I'm
going to be ready.There was a
good deal on slate antipasta
sets!....$48 to $5.And those
socks with the bumps on the
bottom to prevent people slip-
ping over?A bargain at $2.....
not as good as the slate, but
And before I know it,I'm all
caught up in the middle of
Christmas in August.I held
out for a month, but I'm get-
ting just too twitchy.Too many
things will go wrong if I leave
it too much later.Gifts coming
from overseas ordering might
not get here in time, you know
what customs are like, and it
might be broken and I have to
rethink the gift,so best order
it now, and get it done.Start
working on the hand made
gifts, and drive the shop assis-
tant crazy over color choices.I
tell you..never, but NEVER
allow me to match wool up in
a shop.Do not be a witness to
it, and if you are there, pretend
not to notice me.I will take a
sample with me, and so you
think oh good idea.WRONG.
Hmm dosent look the same,
bet theres going to be a dif-
ference,well actually i wanted
more ginger not light brown,
and Im just going to take it out
into the street so i can get a
better look in the light.All the
while, a young shop assistant
who would rather be talking to
her boyfriend on the phone is
thinking "crazy old bat.Hope
I dont get like that when Im
old"...You will, darlin' will.
Then, when we get though a
few months of this....comes
wrapping time.I have made
labels with stickers, glue, glit-
ter and decided who's getting
what.The cupboard is emptied
out and wait a minute.Wrap-
ping paper.The tape.They dont
match.I used up all the green
tape on something else.No..I
want green tape.The kind with
the litle spash of red on it.Back
to the store.And of course they
dont stock it now.They never
do,so a new color choice has to
be made.And let me tell you,
at this time of year...well, any
time really...a tape dispenser is
your best friend .Get one.You'll
thank me.And buy all your
socks in the same design and
color, but thats a different sto-
ry.Back to Christmas.Okay....
All family gifts are matching,
and all non family are match-
ing.Ribbon.I got plenty, bought
in last years sales and pur-
chased in January...I only paid
5 cents on the dollar.Score!See
how all this is coming together,
people who looked at me like
I was weird back then?Ha...
whos laughing now,....not
people that are paying 5 bucks
a roll.
Moving on.....the Christmas
tree.Uh oh.Dont visit, dont call,
and unless its positive, dont
comment on my tree...because
I will only rip it apart and do it
again, over and over if I have
to.Right up until Christmas
morning I ammoving a dec-
oration just up one branch
because the symmetry is
not quite right....that branch
dosent have one, that deco-
ration dosent sit well, or that
one has some glitter missing
and I had better fix it.Luckily I
have the fibre optic kind, so I
dont have to deal with tangled
lights any more.I'd like a real
tree..oh the smell, but even I
know my limits.Then digging
out the special coffee table
that I have only for sitting the
tree on.Its the only time of the
year it gets used and I got it in
an antique sale
was a bargain!....(oh come on
Ma..thats just one
gets a table just to sit a tree on
once a year)....yesssssssssss...
they do.
The worst ? (best...I'm never
sure) I love it.Every
second I'm fussing over string
and the color red (scarlet, not
magenta thankyou), and fresh
mushrooms for the gravy, and
feeling like Im going crazy...I
love it.
But NEXT YEAR....Im not going
to do this craziness.Im not.I
promise.I am not going to the
January sales and buying
15 rolls of wrapping paper in
silver and burlap.I am going
to make do with the tape I
have and leave the one with
little sprigs of holly alone.I am
going to keep my mouth shut
until at least November about
the C word.
Pfft...who am i kidding?