Page 20 - Revo Issue 05v2

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(Confessions of a DramaQueen)
C o n f e s s i o n s o f a D r a m a Q u e e n
Christmas time is a fraught
time for DQs, and lets face
it,at this time of year,this little
DQ has more OCDs than the
whole alphabet ten times over.
This article is about them.And
it all starts in July..................
Well, not really.It TECHNICAL-
LY starts in January, but July
looks better, and less....weird.
So....we're in July, right?....
and all of a sudden Christmas
pops into my head.No.Not
this year.I am not going to ask
people if they've started their
Christmas shopping and get
that only just concealed slight-
ly annoyed look crossing their
faces, but well, it dosent hurt
to make plans.Think about
them, does it?And it dosent
hurt to LOOK in the shops and
online to get some ideas, does
it?And IF.....IF there are some
specials in the stores, well, it
makes sense in the long run
to get them.And I can take my
time, choose carefully.Oh wait,
better clean out my gift shelf
in the linen cupboard (the top
one naturally) to make room,
so I can put things away be-
fore any of the family notice.
There is still some things in
there from last year and the
year before (lets not go back
further than that.That coffee
machine will find a recipient
one day...hey, it was on spe-
cial...and that clock?...well, I
think I might use that myself
when I have time to redeco-
rate it)...and before i know it,I
got linen shoved into different
shelves, and no one will be
able to find a clean face cloth
for weeks because everything
is moved around (crikey cant
you look for yourself?
it is...yes,I know they're with