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Howman questions
Can you get right?
Try to see how many of these 20
questions you can answer! Then
check out the next issue to see if
you were right!
1. This actor appeared in various films such as "Coming to Ameri-
ca" and "The Sandlot". His authoritative voice appeared in various
animated films including "The Lion King".
A. Phillip Baker Hall
B. Charles Nelson Reilly
C. James Earl Jones
D. Harry Dean Stanton
2. A rabbi is associated with which religion?
A. Judaism
B. Buddahism
C. Christianity
D. Sikhism
3. Which U.S state consumes the most Spam per capita?
A. California
B. Alaska
C. Hawaii
D. Michigan
4. In the 1971 sci-fi movie 'Silent Running', what were the names of
the three robots on the spaceship 'Valley Forge' by Lowell Free-
A. April, May and June
B. Huey, Dewey and Louie
C. Ichi, Ni and Son
D. Lot, Job and Isaac
5. What is the name of the chemical that causes bloodstains to
glow blue in a darkened room when a special blue light tool is
A. myoglobin
B. oxyhaemoglobin
C. phenophthalein
D. luminol
6. In the music video of Michael Jackson's "Thriller", what scary
creatures were shown during the video?
A. zombies
B. giants
C. vampires
D. werewolves
7. AA Milne is famous for writing the "Pooh" stories. What was the
name of the donkey in the stories?
A. Tigger
B. Christopher Robin
C. Rabbit
D. Eeyore
8. What does Michael carry around in the movie "Peter Pan"?
A. Nanna
B. a feather
C. a teddy bear
D. a club
9. What President started the trend of throwing out the first pitch of
baseball games?
A. Carver
B. Jackson
C. Ford
D. Taft
10. Which of the following countries has the most official languag-
A. Switzerland
B. Austria
C. Belgium
D. Malta
11. Rope put aboard a sailboat is called a what?
A. rope
B. line
C. whipping
D. expensive
12. Which is the correct spellin?
A. Colossal
B. Colosal
C. Collosal
D. Collossal
13. How much older than himself was William Shake-
speare’s wife?
A. 8 months
B. she wasn’t older than him
C. 5 years
D. 8 years
14. Which ‘sal’ word is a tray for serving food or bev-
A. salver
B. salverform
C. salvia
D. salvo
15. Which sighthound is capable of reaching over 40 mph and is
thus most often used in races?
A. Irish Wolfhound
B. Italian Greyhound
C. Greyhound
D. Pharaoh Hound
16. The term for a fighter pilot who shoots down many of the ene-
my’s planes during a dogfight (aerial combat), is also the name of a
playing card. What is it?
A. king
B. jack
C. queen
D. ace
17. What do you call someone who is sneaky and often dishonest?
A. groundhog
B. weasel
C. beaver
D. monkey
18. In the past most domestic buildings were constructed of local
materials. If an area had a lot of clay what would you expect the
buildings to be made of?
A. fibreboard
B. stones
C. bricks
D. timber
19. What do you call the item of playground equipment that is also
referred to as a teeter-totter?
A. zig-zag
B. see-saw
C. upsy-daisy
D. hee-haw
20. Where would you find ‘ball’, ‘ribbon’ and ‘fork’?
A. in a swimming pool
B. in a sports arena
C. in the stormy skies
D. in a pet store
Q u i z T i m e W i t h
J o y
n a o m i
R e Vo M a g a z i n e