Page 6 - ReVo-Christmas-Issue

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Imagine. A new room just
opened on ReVo - one that
promises to be incredible. You
and your friends are anxious to
give it a whirl, but you have to
have a character sheet to play
when you aren't even sure what
type of character you want to
Character creation and the
requirement of character sheets
might be one of the biggest
hindrances that keep people
from playing in a room. Many
people are unsure of what type
of character they want to ex-
plore, some people find the task
too daunting, and other people
want to first develop their story
through roleplay and yet nearly
all room owners prefer some
type of character sheet in place,
in almost every room.
Regardless of whether or not
your room leader requires
character sheets, basic char-
acter creation is a fundamental
aspect of roleplaying. The first
thing you need is to familiarize
yourself with the setting.
Is it a fantasy or supernatural
room? Historical or present
day? In which city is it set?
Remember, your character will
need to be able to blend into
the setting in the room.
The last thing you want is to
have your pixie dust stripper
from Neverland show up
dancing on the table in SoA.
The setting of the room will
factor into nearly every aspect
of creating your character.
After you are confident that
you have the setting down,
start thinking about what you
want to do with your character.
What type of personality do
you want to play? Male or
female? What do you want her
to look like? One of the hardest
phases of character creation is
choosing your model. You know
that you want a dark Filipino
beauty? Let Google do the rest
of the work for you.
A quick tip? Once you know
who you want to use as a
model, use her actual physical
attributes to fill out the rest of
the descriptors. I do this for
almost all of my characters for
both ease and believability.
You might be surprised at
how easy it is to find the
measurements for your model
Now that you have your model
and her physical description,
you need a name! Google is