Page 42 - Revo Issue 04

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R e Vo M a g a z i n e
What's the craziest (or dumbest)
thing you've ever been talked into
I let a friend take a boat out while
he was drunk. It was him, our
girlfriends and my cousins. He was
clearly stupid drunk, he nearly cap-
sized it not 20 minutes out.
What is your most embarrassing
moment in a roleplay?
First time I had cyber sex. The
room used a drop down for
everything, and I just tossed out
this large post, clearly bad, clearly
first time, just right there active as
fuck room.
Is there anything else you'd like
to say to your readers or listeners
about you that they might not al-
ready know?
That I really enjoy audience inter-
action, when they give me feed
back ask about music, or suggest
Not just on DJ nights but any
time during the week, I answer all
skypes, and for me I am an enter-
tainer, so if people are not enjoy-
ing and not giving me feed back
I just kinda twiddle my thumbs
going derp derp.
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