Page 21 - Revo Issue 04

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A subject that has come to
my mind, many times over,
has been this one. Sex and
Role-play. Why do some role-
players enjoy role-playing out
sex scenes; while others don't
want to be bothered by it. To
answer my question and to
see how many people really
enjoyed this, I went to the ReVo
boards and sought an answer.
I posed this exact question to
the role-players and chatters of
Do you like being sexually
active in Role-play?
Well, 22 people voted within
my poll and I have to say that
I was kind of surprised, why?
Because the number of people
that Liked to role-play out
sex in role-play was slightly
high with 63.3 percent of the
chatters saying Yes. While
there was a 9.1 percent that
said no, and 27.3 percent that
said other, which only three of
the Other voters explained to
Now the numbers seems even
higher when I went out and did
some leg work and asked 5
random people on my Skype
list and while within a role-play
The one thing with the 6
people that voted the other,
had in common is partially the
same thing. They all have said
that if there is not a connection
with the other role-player and
character then you don't have
the chemistry for the role-
playing of the sex.
Which I can relate too as I
found out many times from
personal experience. I'll
explain a little, I've been role-
playing for over 14 years now.
When I first started I started as
a gorean slave, and let me tell
you, that was the best thing
for me at the time because
back then I was very role-play
sexually active, and by that
I mean simply that if it was
willing I was able to.
I found it very stimulating and
exciting. Especially with Gor,
as back then that was what
I was really into. The more
sexually active I was in role-
play the better I was off in my
own mind. But as the years
went on, I found myself getting
bored of role-playing out sex
with just anyone and everyone.
I found myself longing for
connections, both sexually
and mentally. So I went on
what I called my "No Sex"
role-playing. I gave up being
a slave in Gor, in my other
role-plays I wouldn't have sex,
I would go to "Fade to black"
That was my personal
experience now a days, I'm
sexual active in role-play with
a select few. There has to
be that personal connection
with the character that my
character is with. Otherwise it
just doesn't work.
Now for one of my responding
role-players, their explanation
was interesting. This particular
player said that for her, there is
two different zones.
One is Gor, and how she
won't role-play sex out in gor,
because of it being a "Man's
world" and she can not be sub-
missive to just anyone. Which
I can understand, as it takes a
lot for me to be submissive to
However, while she plays in
LKH and was once a room
controller of a BDSM room, It
was different. She was able to
role-play out the sex scenes,
but as long as they were part
of the power structure or group
Because to her, it's simply role-
play, and her words is "There
isn't an emotional attachment".
While in the BDSM setting, she
was very much able to do it
as it was fun and released her
creative juices.
It was just "In Character" and
as she put it, at the end of the
day I shut off my computer and
don't thing about it again until I
am back in character.
That was one role-player’s
point of view and to me it
makes very much sense.
While another role-player
said "Typically I enjoy sex in
my rp as it serves a purpose
like deepening a connection"
and that she likes to use it to
advance a story.
However to this one, she
basically enjoys role-playing
out -key- sex scenes. To me
that means, that it's important
to the storyline, like in LKH
Anita-verse, where a set of
Were creatures turn out to be
Sex and Role-play
Written and researched by Care