Page 9 - Revo_Issue_01

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At first glance, beyond repair.
What I saw, what I felt, was
a strong sense of not giving
up and as more came togeth-
er with similar outlooks, that
change became obtainable and
we found the strength to bring
it about.
Looking beyond the past took
a lot of courage. Once those
blinders and walls came down,
though, the flood advancing
was overwhelming.
I have made new acquaintanc-
es and have gotten to know
people that for many years had
been on my internal list of 'no
fucking way'.
I began to ask myself why they
were, and the answers were
enlightening. Because at the
time I made my judgments,
they were the target of other
people's ire for one reason or
another, and I followed suit.
Many of us did and many of
us experienced that personally
in the last year and a half. All
of it, though, has made me a
better person.
It has gained me some really
cool people to hang with on-
line. I have a lot in common
with people I would not have
had the opportunity to get to
know before
. It's been
a pretty awesome and ongoing
An experience that is so full of
that often times I just
grin from ear to ear.
When ideas strike, it's no lon-
ger a matter of running it by a
panel of naysayers but a group
racing to research how we can
bring it about.
Watching Addiction progress
through our desire for editors
and file managers. Then
starting over after getting work-
ing ones! Simply because ‘set-
tling’ is not in our vocabulary
any longer. It was amazing.
Adopting Slick's approach to
hurdles and rotten egg throwers
has made them easy to move
past. Collaborating with Hipp
for new events and marketing
strategies gets us going on tan-
gents of unending ideas.
An attitude of why not that
warms me as the same creativ-
ity then spreads through all
and we hear ideas
from staff, from room leaders,
from designers and players.
The possibilities are not only
endless, they are
I left off one word in my title
that also defines this first year
for me.
. I'm shameless
about displaying it, both per-
sonally and collectively when
it comes to
and how
far I, and we, have come in just
this one year.
Here's to many more, for all of
us and for the all of us still to
Hippolyta -
Why are you on staff?
I am here because I
wanted to shape the roleplay
community. I wanted to bring
it to new places, and to stop
looking back at what it once
was. I wanted to be the change
I wanted to be in the roleplay
What does roleplay mean
to you?
Roleplay for me is an es-
cape from the real world, and a
way to express myself creatively.
It is a way to allow the imagina-
tion to run wild, and to spend
time with the most awesome
Why is roleplay on
the best?
Roleplay is shaped by the
players, and the roleplay is the
best on
because we
have the best people.
What influence did you