Page 18-19 - ReVo Magazine Issue 03

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- Eden's Delight - Room Leader - ReVo -
says to ReVo Squirrel:
You better not be after my collection of various kinds of nuts
I mean a Lady's got to have a collection: almonds, pecans, hazel nuts,
brazlian nuts...
- ReVo's Investigating Reporter -
says to Nicole:
~Finding a place to settle down, I blink at you a few times ~
Why no Miss, why would I be after your nuts?
I have a very fine collection myself.
Actually, I'm here for an interview.
If you have a few moments of time?
- Eden's Delight - Room Leader - ReVo -
says to ReVo Squirrel:
Of course I've got the time!
- ReVo's Investigating Reporter -
says to Nicole:
Excellent then my dear!
~Pulls out a nut from the cheek and stuffs it well someplace; who knows
where - only I do. Then pulls out a pad of paper and pen as I find a seat a
top the skeleton chair~
So, I'm going to begin with a few questions about the room and branch
out from there, if that's ok with you?
- Eden's Delight - Room Leader - ReVo -
says to ReVo Squirrel:
Of course! Ask away.
This month our very own Secret Squirrel, The roving Re-
porter of Revo has managed to Pin down one Miss Nicole
of Eden’s Delight! Miss Nicole was kind enough to give our
favorite nut an interview!
> Nicole of Eden’s Delight > by: Secret Squirrel > ReVo Magazine >
S e c r e t S q u i r r e l
“Watch, Observe Ask
>SaysNicole about BDSMfor someone looking to first learn.
R e Vo M a g a z i n e